Mesothelioma Prognosis - Why Do Some Patients Survive Longer?

Posted by : indra budiman | | Published in

There are a few patients who have survived far beyond the usual forecast for a year, the majority of mesothelioma victims and a handful that were actually cured, without any trace of aggressive cancer several years after treatment (although always return possible).

Many medical experts are puzzled by this observation, and for most of the time they are yet to declare a real scientific basis for why some mesothelioma patients survive and others do not find.

It seems a common factor among those who will have survived the disease for a long time - the immune system. Studies of those who have either survived or show since the disease that most of these patients participated in a kind of therapy that cured her immune system strengthened. Some treatments, including clinical studies in immunology, while others use alternative therapies involved with the immune system.
A number of mesothelioma survivors have their stories published on the Internet and talked to patients and their families with hope for a brighter outlook for their future. These survivors have also presented their cases to doctors and researchers. The most dramatic of these individuals is Paul Kraus, an Australian survivor of mesothelioma. Kraus was diagnosed with abdominal / peritoneal mesothelioma in 1997, a form of the disease, which is harder to treat than the more common pleural mesothelioma. Kraus worked in a factory 35 years before, when he exposed blue (crocidolite) asbestos.

After his diagnosis, Kraus his diet (he is now a vegetarian amended), has lots of vitamins and supplements to his daily routine, "began juicing" and tried a treatment known as ozone therapy. Kraus said: "They took blood from one vein, machine an ozone ozone used add (a molecule made of three oxygen atoms composed) to the blood and it was back into my body through a drip. The reason that cancer is not like an oxygen-rich surroundings. "Research in the implementation of the Protocol together took a long time, but in the long term, Kraus believes the combination of all these treatments his mesothelioma stabilized. Today, tests show he has the disease and his body is a little weaker than it was, but he has no pain and his doctors tell him he has to live for many years. Kraus emphasizes the fact that he is not the only survivor of mesothelioma.

He cited the case of a man diagnosed 14 years ago, given the age of 58 (no names), which had a chest wall resection after diagnosis and has no symptoms or recurrence since. His doctors believe that there are "moderate host inflammatory response and the spontaneous resolution has played an immune-mediated phenomenon" - in other words, his immune system a role in his survival.

Another survivor, Rhio O'Connor - the recently published a book about his battle with mesothelioma - has lived with the disease for seven years. He decided against the traditional methods of treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Instead of using several medical doctors, he developed a regime that 100 supplements a day, his diet changed dramatically, and now practicing what he calls "mind-body medicine" (known as non-stress techniques such as meditation). In his book, he recommends a variety of alternatives to conventional medicines and treatments.

All mesothelioma patients should be encouraged that will participate in clinical studies, especially those who are trying out new methods of strengthening the immune system.